Mav’s Story – The World Changed Overnight

Mav Industrial Solutions’ grass roots started in early 2020, at the beginning of the global pandemic when the entire world simply stopped and changed drastically overnight. It was not the best time to start a company.

Unfortunately, millions of people around the world were now losing jobs, and businesses were closing their doors, including well established industries and companies.

We knew the business world, and how people traditionally interact with businesses, or clients would change forever, so we envisioned something different and what the future of doing business would be tomorrow.

The old days of working 8am – 5pm hours in a bricks and mortar office were now outdated for many companies and industries. Our philosophy was either improvise, adapt and overcome to the new business world, or you will fall behind your competitors and eventually go out of business, it was that simple.

That’s where it began when the founder, Pete Howell, after 20 plus years working in the corporate world, like millions of everyday people, were not immune to drastically reduced hours, or significant pay cuts. Eventually, it led to collecting unemployment insurance for the very first time in his entire career, and was a true humbling experience.

As a single dad raising and supporting three kids, he started the company and a dream simply out of necessity, but also had a long-term vision. It started off with just an idea on paper, that had no customers or contracts, including products or services at that time to sell to anyone, and the rest is now history.

Today, Mav Industrial Solutions proudly represents some of the best brands, companies, innovative products, services, including technologies to clients across Canada within industrial and manufacturing industries.

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